It is so easy, isn't it, to try to go through life in our own strength?
I don't know about you, but I fall into this periodically. As I do, I find that life gets more and more difficult whenever I try to go it on my own. I certainly don't plan to do it on my own. But periodically, when our family gets really busy (or I get really lazy) I find myself not reading my Bible daily, not talking to God regularly and as a result, I find myself in a downward spiral.
In my life application study Bible, I have been reading the book of Colossians. In the midst of the second chapter, there is a chart that puts it well and I have included it below:
Religion by Self-effort
Goal Please God by our own good deeds.
Means Practice, diligent service, discipline and obedience, in hope of reward.
Power Good, honest effort through self-determination.
Control Self-motivation; self-control
Results Chronic guilt, apathy, depression, failure constant desire for approval.
Salvation by Faith
Goal Trust in Christ and then live to please God.
Means Confess, submit and commit yourself to Christ's control.
Power The Holy Spirit in us helps us do good work for Christ's kingdom.
Control Christ in me; I in Christ.
Results Joy, thankfulness, love, guidance, service, forgiveness.
This sums up my findings quite well. When I try to do it in my own strength, I find myself feeling like a failure, seeking the approval of those around me and not finding it, practicing negative self-talk which leads me down the road toward depression.
But if I remember to live in God's strength, remember Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength", I find myself with a much more positive outlook on life. I can give thanks in all things which guides me to lead a life filled with much more joy.
I don't have it all dialed in...I am a work in progress...but I pray that I can continue to seek His joy through thankfulness.
In His Grace...
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