Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Reaching Out

This is something I am not good at.  I have a tendency to wait for others to contact me.  I have written before about my dislike of the telephone - the feeling that I am interrupting others when I call.

But in our small group last Sunday, in our study of the book of James, one of the questions was "List some ways that Christian friends have encouraged you to persevere in tough times." 

The resounding answer to this question is that they reached out to me.  They called, emailed, visited...took time from their busy schedules to spend time with me.  Whether it was on the phone or in person really didn't make a difference.  When others reach out to me, it makes me feel loved. 

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:29-32

It has become increasingly apparent to me that I must stick my head out of my shell (sometimes I am similar to a turtle) and reach out to friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances.  I must make the effort because over time they stop putting out the effort because they see no return on their investment. 

So even if I feel like I am interrupting, or if I feel stupid because I cannot think of things to say (with my father-in-law in particular), I must make the effort. 

Because in the end, if I do so, I am being a blessing to God.

In His Grace...

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